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How to host Codeigniter 4 Via Jenkins CICD Pipeline.

Hosting a CodeIgniter 4 application via a Jenkins CI/CD pipeline involves a series of steps to automate the deployment process. Here’s a simplified explanation of how to do it:


Before going ahead please check below Jenkins installation in Windows server / Linux / Ubuntu


1. Set Up Your Jenkins Environment:

  • Make sure you have Jenkins installed and running.
  • Install necessary plugins like Git and any other required plugins for your project.

2. Create a Jenkins pipeline:

  • In Jenkins, create a new pipeline job.
  • Configure the pipeline to connect to your version control system (e.g., GitHub or GitLab), where your CodeIgniter 4 project is hosted.

3. Define Your Jenkinsfile:

  • In your project repository, create a Jenkins file (or use an existing one).
  • The Jenkins file contains instructions for your CI/CD pipeline. Here’s a simplified example:
pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('Checkout') {
            steps {
                // Checkout the source code from your version control system
                checkout scm
        stage('Build and Deploy') {
            steps {
                // Build your CodeIgniter 4 application (e.g., Composer install)
                sh 'composer install'
                // Deploy the application to your web server
                sh 'rsync -avz --delete ./your-codeigniter-app/ user@your-server:/path/to/your/web/root'

4. Setup Server Authentication:

  • Ensure your Jenkins server can SSH into your web server without requiring a password. You can use SSH keys for secure authentication.

5. Configure the server and database:

  • Make sure your web server is set up with PHP and a web server like Apache or Nginx.
  • Create a database for your application and configure CodeIgniter to connect to it.

6. Install composer dependencies:

  • Use Composer to install CodeIgniter 4’s dependencies during the build stage.
Also Read:  How to Install Phpmyadmin in ubuntu.

7. Deploy Your Application:

  • Use an appropriate deployment method (e.g., rsync, FTP, or SCP) to transfer your CodeIgniter 4 files from your Jenkins server to your web server.

8. Configure the Web Server:

  • Set up your web server (e.g., Apache or Nginx) to serve your CodeIgniter 4 application from the appropriate directory.

9. Test Your Deployment:

  • After deploying, you may want to run tests or perform health checks to ensure your application is running correctly.

10. Monitor and maintain:

  • Implement monitoring and logging to keep track of your application’s performance and any issues that may arise.

Remember that this is a simplified explanation, and the actual steps and configuration may vary depending on your specific environment and requirements. It’s important to adapt these steps to your project’s needs and security considerations.

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