
How to enable permalinks in WordPress – Ubuntu Apache2

To enable permalinks in WordPress while hosting on an Ubuntu server with Apache2, you can follow these steps: 1. Log into your server: Ensure that you have SSH access to your Ubuntu server. 2. Install WordPress: If you haven’t already, install WordPress on your server. You can follow the WordPress installation guide for Ubuntu: https://getcodify.com/setting-up-wordpress-on-ubuntu-with-apache2-mysql-and-ssl/ 3. Configure Apache2: Make sure your Apache2 server is configured to serve your WordPress site. You may need to set up virtual hosts if you haven’t already. Here’s a simplified example: With this command, you…

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Hosting PHP 

How to redirect / rewrite urls using .htaccess file

What is .htaccess? The .htaccess (Hypertext Access) file is an Apache distributed server configuration file. You can use the .htaccess file to set server configurations for a specific directory. .htaccess file is created in order to enable extra features for that subdirectory. Creating .htaccess: we have to create .htaccess in the application root path. But if you want only for a specific subpath then you can create in subpath too. Note: While adding urls, please replace all the example.com domains with your specific domain. Redirecting all URLs: The following line…

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