Azure Windows 

Powershell: How to connect to Microsoft Cloud Services like Az, AzureAD, Exchange, Teams

When I was working with Microsoft Azure Services, I started listing important commands which can be handy using PowerShell, so here I am publishing in my blog article below. Prerequisites before starting: Tools needed: Run the below commands in PowerShell to install the tool. Az: Install-Module Az -Force -AllowClobber AzureAD: Install-Module AzureAD -Force -AllowClobber ExchangeOnlineManagement: Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -Force -AllowClobber Microsoft Teams: Install-Module MSTeams -Force -AllowClobber step #1: Before proceeding further Check weather required modules are installed using below command: Step #2: Store account credentials in a variable Below are the…

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MS SQL Server Windows Server 

Powershell script to check SQL service status and send email

In windows server we can create a PowerShell script to trigger an email on the basis of SQL service status. Solution Below The solution for checking the status of SQL Server service can be achieved by using the “Get-Service” cmdlet. In the below example we are using some common naming conventions of SQL server like MSSQL$, MSSQLSERVER, and SQL Server, etc. below code is to get the server status. Note: please check your SQL server name and replace them “MSSQLSERVER” in below code To send email we will use some…

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netflix-logo News showcase Tech News 

Netflix to prevent you from utilizing another person’s password

It’s an unavoidable truth: Netflix passwords get shared. Now, the real-time feature has been somewhat casual about secret password sharing. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings has even gone on the record on numerous occasions to say sharing a login is “a positive thing.” On the off chance that you don’t live with the owner of this account, you need your own account to continue to watch, In case you’re genuine tight with the real account owner, you could simply have that individual send you that confirmation code, however, you may be…

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Amazon(AWS) Email PHP showcase 

How to integrate AWS SES with PHP – PHPMailer

In this article we will look in to, how to implement amazon AWS SES (simple email service) in PHP using PHPMailer library. Register with AWS Step 1: Register with AWS and verify your primary email. If you are a new user then by default AWS will give you limited access as an SES sandbox account. this might be enough for testing. But when you want to deploy the application in production then it will be a bit difficult, so after testing, request for production where you will get much more…

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WordPress: “Too many redirects” not able to access the dashboard

In WordPress “Too many redirects” error might occur in multiple cases, below are some solutions. Solution #1: Too many redirects. Clear all browser cache, cookies and saved data, if you are using and CDN in between like cloudflare / cloudfront the purge cache and check. Note: Before trying next solution please take a full backup of the site with database and then try. Solution #2: Try disabling the “.htaccess” file by renaming it. or try to disable all plugins by renaming wp-content->plugins folder to something else. if still not able…

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