Email Integration 

Sending Emails with Attachments Using SendGrid in Python

A step-by-step implementation of sending an email with attachments using SendGrid in Python. Step 1: Import the necessary modulesWe begin by importing the required modules for our implementation: Step 2: Define the send_email functionNext, we define the send_email function, which takes parameters for the sender’s email, recipient’s email, subject, plain text content, HTML content, and attachments (optional): Step 3: Handle attachments (if provided)If attachments are provided, we iterate over each attachment file and create a SendGrid Attachment object for it. We read the file contents, set the file name, type,…

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woman filling job application form in office with boss Python 

Top 10 Interview Questions for Python FASTAPI

Top 10 interview questions for FASTAPI with their answers in one line: 1. What is FASTAPI and how does it differ from other Python web frameworks? – FASTAPI is a modern, high-performance Python web framework that leverages type hints and asynchronous programming for fast development and scalability. 2. Explain the main features and advantages of using FASTAPI. – FASTAPI provides automatic API documentation, validation, serialization, dependency injection, and high performance due to its asynchronous nature. 3. How does FASTAPI handle asynchronous programming and why is it beneficial? – FASTAPI uses…

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selective focus photography of person using iphone x Tech News 

Instagram Prepares Twitter Competitor for summer release

According to a report by Bloomberg News, Instagram is getting ready to launch a text-based app that will compete with Twitter. Although the software, code-named “P92” or “Barcelona,” is still under development, it is anticipated to be made available sometime in the summer of 2023. The app will purportedly look and feel similar to Instagram, but it will emphasize text-based posts rather than visual ones. Users will be able to publish messages up to 500 characters long with links, images, and videos that they may also attach. Many Twitter-like features,…

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