
How to enable permalinks in WordPress – Ubuntu Apache2

To enable permalinks in WordPress while hosting on an Ubuntu server with Apache2, you can follow these steps: 1. Log into your server: Ensure that you have SSH access to your Ubuntu server. 2. Install WordPress: If you haven’t already, install WordPress on your server. You can follow the WordPress installation guide for Ubuntu: https://getcodify.com/setting-up-wordpress-on-ubuntu-with-apache2-mysql-and-ssl/ 3. Configure Apache2: Make sure your Apache2 server is configured to serve your WordPress site. You may need to set up virtual hosts if you haven’t already. Here’s a simplified example: With this command, you…

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razorpay Payment Gateway Payment Gateway 

How to Implement Razorpay Webhooks in PHP

Razorpay Webhooks: Businesses need a strong and dependable system for processing payments and managing related events in the constantly changing world of online payments. Businesses can manage their payments with a full suite of tools from Razorpay, a top payment gateway in India. Webhooks, a key feature of Razorpay that enables you to get instant notifications about payment events, is one of its most important features. We’ll delve into the world of Razorpay PHP Webhooks in this article, learning what they are, how they operate, and how to integrate them…

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food city man love Hosting 

How to host Codeigniter 4 Via Jenkins CICD Pipeline.

Hosting a CodeIgniter 4 application via a Jenkins CI/CD pipeline involves a series of steps to automate the deployment process. Here’s a simplified explanation of how to do it: Pre-requisites Before going ahead please check below Jenkins installation in Windows server / Linux / Ubuntu 1. Set Up Your Jenkins Environment: 2. Create a Jenkins pipeline: 3. Define Your Jenkinsfile: 4. Setup Server Authentication: 5. Configure the server and database: 6. Install composer dependencies: 7. Deploy Your Application: 8. Configure the Web Server: 9. Test Your Deployment: 10. Monitor and…

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Jenkins Windows 

How to install Jenkins on Windows Server

Installing Jenkins on a Windows server is straightforward. Here are the step-by-step instructions: Prerequisites: Steps: 1. Download Jenkins: 2. Run the Installer: 3. Install Jenkins: 4. Start Jenkins: 5. Unlock Jenkins: 6. Customize and Use Jenkins: 7. Start Using Jenkins: That’s it! You’ve successfully installed Jenkins on your Windows Server machine. You can now use Jenkins to automate your software development processes.

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Email Integration 

Sending Emails with Attachments Using SendGrid in Python

A step-by-step implementation of sending an email with attachments using SendGrid in Python. Step 1: Import the necessary modulesWe begin by importing the required modules for our implementation: Step 2: Define the send_email functionNext, we define the send_email function, which takes parameters for the sender’s email, recipient’s email, subject, plain text content, HTML content, and attachments (optional): Step 3: Handle attachments (if provided)If attachments are provided, we iterate over each attachment file and create a SendGrid Attachment object for it. We read the file contents, set the file name, type,…

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woman filling job application form in office with boss Python 

Top 10 Interview Questions for Python FASTAPI

Top 10 interview questions for FASTAPI with their answers in one line: 1. What is FASTAPI and how does it differ from other Python web frameworks? – FASTAPI is a modern, high-performance Python web framework that leverages type hints and asynchronous programming for fast development and scalability. 2. Explain the main features and advantages of using FASTAPI. – FASTAPI provides automatic API documentation, validation, serialization, dependency injection, and high performance due to its asynchronous nature. 3. How does FASTAPI handle asynchronous programming and why is it beneficial? – FASTAPI uses…

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