razorpay Payment GatewayPayment Gateway 

How to integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway for WooCommerce Plugin


  • Create a Razorpay account.
  • Generate the API keys: from  Dashboard goto Settings → API Keys.

Note: You can use the Test mode keys for testing and later switch to Live mode keys when going live with the integration.

Step 1: Plugin Download and install

Download the plugin and install it from the WordPress Plugin Directory and Activate

Step 2: Configure in WooCommerce Payments page

  1. Goto WooCommerce account Settings and click the Checkout/Payment Gateways tab.
  2. Click on Razorpay to edit the settings.
  3. Enable the Payment Method, name it Credit Card / Debit Card / Internet Banking (This is shown on the Payment page your customer sees.).
  4. Add in your [KEY_ID] and [KEY_SECRET] generated from the Razorpay Dashboard.
  5. Set the Payment Action to Authorize and Capture to auto-capture payments. If you want to capture payments manually from the Dashboard after manual verification, set the Payment Method to Authorize.


Also Read:  PayKun Payment Gateway Integration in OpenCart

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