plugins wordpress 

10 Must-Have WordPress Plugins For Bloggers With Webmaster Concerns

WordPress bloggers face a barrage of challenges in the course of their blogging activities. You need to meet numerous requirements, and your content needs to remain unique and engaging for the readers. The blog post needs to remain fresh with regular updates so that you don’t lose the audience. Moreover, your content also needs to be search engine optimized so that it gets maximum visibility online. A lot of things are at stake here! In order to achieve all this, you need some really helpful WordPress plugins. These will give…

code projected over woman Tech News 

The Purpose of Cloud Technology: What It Is, What It Does, and How to Make the Most of it

The term ‘cloud’ is becoming more popular with every passing day. People are growing more comfortable with the idea of storing their data in remote, online storage facilities instead of their own homes or offices. The rise in e-commerce has made it possible for people to purchase just about anything from just about anyone else. And the advent of smartphones has made it easier than ever for people to access information and services remotely. In a nutshell, the increasing availability of cloud technology has led to a rapid increase in…

Chrome-OS-Flex-vmware Chrome OS 

How to install Chrome OS on windows with VMware

Do you own a laptop or computer that is no longer capable of running any of the newest operating systems? I assume you want to give it a little more time. So here is my answer to your question: As its name implies, it is a more customizable variation of Chrome OS. It is portable and appropriate for routine online work. It consumes less hard disc space and may run on slow or outdated PCs because it is primarily focused on cloud integration. What is Chrome OS flex? A quick,…

Chrome-OS-Flex-virtualbox Chrome OS Operating System 

How to install Chrome OS on windows with virtualbox

Do you own a computer or laptop that can no longer run any of the most recent operating systems? You must want to give it a bit more time, right? So, this is my response to your query: It is a more adaptable version of Chrome OS, as the name suggests. It is intended to be portable and suited for everyday web work. Because it is largely focused on cloud integration, it uses less hard disc space and can function on sluggish or outdated PCs. What is Chrome OS flex?…

Amazon(AWS) Email PHP showcase 

How to integrate AWS SES with PHP – PHPMailer

In this article we will look in to, how to implement amazon AWS SES (simple email service) in PHP using PHPMailer library. Register with AWS Step 1: Register with AWS and verify your primary email. If you are a new user then by default AWS will give you limited access as an SES sandbox account. this might be enough for testing. But when you want to deploy the application in production then it will be a bit difficult, so after testing, request for production where you will get much more…

Apps showcase Tech News 

Signal app vs WhatsApp vs Telegram: who stores what info

After WhatsApp came up with the new privacy policy, which tells all the WhatsApp user information will be shared with its parent-subsidiary company Facebook with effect from Feb 8th all WhatsApp users should accept this below show screen show popup privacy policy to continue using WhatsApp before Feb. 8th else users who have not accepted will not be allowed to use the app. What data are being collected from each app? WhatsApp Telegram  Signal Device IDUser IDAdvertising DataPurchase HistoryCoarse LocationPhone NumberEmail AddressContactsProduct InteractionCrash DataPerformance DataOther Diagnostic DataPayment InfoCustomer SupportProduct InteractionOther…

paykun node js integration Node JS Payment Gateway 

Paykun Payment Gateway Integration with node.js

paykan payment is the simplest way of collecting online payments. Its really like new startups and building products globally. Follow below Steps to Integrate paykun payment gateway in node.js. #1 Step: Generate Access token and API Secret : You can generate Or Regenerate Access token and API Secret from login into your paykun payment admin panel, Then Go To Settings -> Security -> API Keys. There you will find the generate button if you have not generated an API key before. If you have generated API key before then you…

mongodb Amazon(AWS) linux Mongo DB NoSQL 

How to Install MongoDB Server in Ubuntu AWS EC2 updated in 2020

MongoDB is a free and open-source NoSQL database used in modern-day web applications. In this article, we will install and configure security auth features. #1 Step: installing MongoDB server First Update your ubuntu so that all the latest LTS settings can configure. Install Mongo using below command Note: If any error occurred while installing please refer below.Click here for force install solution #2 Step: Verifying and configuring server autostart By now the database server is automatically started after installation. if not you can follow the below step. How to verify whether… C#(cSharp) 

How to remove extension .aspx/.html in asp/c# web application

If you are entering some sites particular page and enter a full link with the extension it feels annoying right? Want to remove extension?So to solve the problem in asp/c# Web application, you can follow the below steps to get rid of this. Follow the below steps carefully. #1 Step: in your application root create a file called “Global.asax”. to Create right click on application project and select “Add -> New Item” then you will see something similar to the below image, #2 Step: Then select in left select “C#…

Javascript jQuery 

Javascript errors you should be aware of

Javascript is one of the most popular programming languages in recent days, so we tried to find some most common errors in javascript. After working on many projects, we found some common javascript error based on errors that occurred in different browsers. There are many Javascript errors that occur when you run your code, Below are some error which is browser-centric and some are common in all browsers.  Google Chrome:  Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property.  It occurs when you read a property or call a method on an undefined object.…