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Top 10 Interview Questions for Python FASTAPI

Top 10 interview questions for FASTAPI with their answers in one line:

1. What is FASTAPI and how does it differ from other Python web frameworks?

– FASTAPI is a modern, high-performance Python web framework that leverages type hints and asynchronous programming for fast development and scalability.

2. Explain the main features and advantages of using FASTAPI.

FASTAPI provides automatic API documentation, validation, serialization, dependency injection, and high performance due to its asynchronous nature.

3. How does FASTAPI handle asynchronous programming and why is it beneficial?

– FASTAPI uses the power of Python’s async and await keywords to write efficient and non-blocking code, resulting in better performance and scalability.

4. Describe the process of creating a RESTful API using FASTAPI.

– Creating a RESTful API with FASTAPI involves defining route functions with proper decorators, handling request and response models, and utilizing path parameters and query parameters.

5. What is dependency injection in FASTAPI and how is it implemented?

– Dependency injection in FASTAPI is a way to manage and inject dependencies into route functions by leveraging Python’s type hints and function annotations.

6. How does FASTAPI handle request validation and data serialization?

– FASTAPI performs request validation by using Pydantic models and automatically handles data serialization based on the defined model’s schema.

7. Can you explain how to handle authentication and authorization in FASTAPI?

– FASTAPI supports various authentication methods like OAuth2, JWT, and more, and authorization can be implemented by using role-based access control or custom authorization functions.

8. What are the different ways to handle database integration with FASTAPI?

– Database integration in FASTAPI can be done using ORMs like SQLAlchemy or databases directly, allowing you to interact with databases using SQL queries or asynchronous functions.

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9. How does FASTAPI handle error handling and exception management?

– FASTAPI provides a built-in exception handling mechanisms that allow you to define custom exception handlers and return proper HTTP responses with detailed error messages.

10. Can you discuss the testing capabilities and recommended testing approaches in FASTAPI?

– FASTAPI has robust testing capabilities, including automated testing of API endpoints using tools like Pytest and TestClient, and it is recommended to write unit tests, integration tests, and endpoint tests for comprehensive coverage.

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