News showcase Tech News 

Bitcoin: What is bitcoin? and How it works?

Bitcoin started trending once again after 2018 when it touched around $16,000 dollars, Then it crashed because of many reasons, now in 2021 it once again started trending and currently, its dollar price is at an all-time high at around $47,000. Because of this, many people are trying to invest in bitcoin. now it’s again in the news because the world’s one of the richest people Elon musk’s tesla company invested in bitcoin for around $1.5 Billion. so everybody what to know how bitcoin and blockchain work, so here it…

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woocommerce woocommerce wordpress 

WooCommerce: How to Change the order status of a particular product on purchase

In woocommerce settings by default, there is an option directly change to set the settings of particular product status on successful payment. First, find the product id you need to change the status After getting the productId, copy the below code to the functions.php file and paste it, if you are feeling difficulty in finding functions.php and paste, you can use this plugin called: My custom functions and activate and then paste it inside the textbox, save and then turn it on. and then just replace the ‘your product id’…

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