Email Integration 

Sending Emails with Attachments Using SendGrid in Python

A step-by-step implementation of sending an email with attachments using SendGrid in Python. Step 1: Import the necessary modulesWe begin by importing the required modules for our implementation: Step 2: Define the send_email functionNext, we define the send_email function, which takes parameters for the sender’s email, recipient’s email, subject, plain text content, HTML content, and attachments (optional): Step 3: Handle attachments (if provided)If attachments are provided, we iterate over each attachment file and create a SendGrid Attachment object for it. We read the file contents, set the file name, type,…

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woman filling job application form in office with boss Python 

Top 10 Interview Questions for Python FASTAPI

Top 10 interview questions for FASTAPI with their answers in one line: 1. What is FASTAPI and how does it differ from other Python web frameworks? – FASTAPI is a modern, high-performance Python web framework that leverages type hints and asynchronous programming for fast development and scalability. 2. Explain the main features and advantages of using FASTAPI. – FASTAPI provides automatic API documentation, validation, serialization, dependency injection, and high performance due to its asynchronous nature. 3. How does FASTAPI handle asynchronous programming and why is it beneficial? – FASTAPI uses…

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sendinblue logo C#(cSharp) Email Integration PHP 

How to Integrate Sendinblue Transactional Email

Send in Blue is one of the good campaign, Marketing, and Transactional Email integration system. Features of Send in Blue are: In Free Service only You Can Send 9000 emails/Month and there is no contacts limit to send (can send to 9000 unique contacts). Per day you can send 300 Email and 40 emails /hr, this may increase/decrease based the reputation you get from sendinblue. it is purely judge based on the emails you send. This all above is applicable if you are using a free version, if it’s an upgraded…

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